Quality, Health, Safety & Environment Management
The continued success of ACTION depends on our ability to evaluate and continually improve the quality of our services and simultaneously protecting the people and the environment. We prioritise all our activities by: ensuring operational safety, human health, environmental protection, enhancement of quality and community goodwill.
This policy reflects our commitment for the well-being of our customers, our employees, our visitors and contractors, our stakeholders and neighbours. Action is committed to and accountable for QHSE and encourages active participation from all employees, visitors and contractors.


ISO 9001 : 2015
ISO 14001 : 2015
ISO 45001 : 2018

Action QHSE Policy
ACTION International is committed to continually improving our services' quality and protecting the people and the environment. ACTION is committed to and accountable for QHSE and encourages active participation from all employees, visitors, and contractors.
To achieve that, ACTION is committed to the following:
We are eliminating QHSE non-conformance and occupational accidents, injuries, and ill health by evaluating and taking timely actions on Corrective and Preventive actions and adopting an active HAZARD analysis and Risk Assessment system.
We are developing and preparing Emergency plans to respond to and recover from crises.
Minimize our environmental impact, including pollution, through recovery, recycling, and reducing natural resource consumption.
Working in a spirit of consultation and cooperation with the workers
Maintain ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 & ISO 45001:2018 certifications.
Setting performance objectives and continually improving processes, services, and product quality.
We provide the necessary resources (training, equipment, human and financial).
We are assessing and managing risks for all individuals in our work locations.
Meeting and exceeding all applicable legal and other requirements to which ACTION subscribes
We are implementing QHS&E management systems focusing on identifying and assessing hazards and implementing measures to control the risks.
Continuous improvement by assessing and assessing and applying the industry’s best standards.

Awards & Appreciation
Our company have been consistently receiving awards and appreciations for the HSE performance achievement.

Subcontractor of the month - 2018

Subcontractor of the month - 2018
Training & Certification
ACTION has competent HSE trainers and officers to provide training in more than the basic requirements, who help in identifying areas of our company’s operations where specialised training is required to deal with potential hazards.